Kick-off meeting of the project BioTrainValue

BEST is a project partner of the BioTrainValue project, funded by Horizon Europe - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (HE-MSCA). Within the project, new technologies for biomass conversion to innovative bio-based products are developed and tested. The project research results will be:

  • new methodologies and experimental data for development of small-scale innovative reactors,
  • energy technologies for solid biofuels
  • direct bio-products, as bio-fuels, fertilizers, and energy,
  • biochar for application in agriculture and industry

Meeting the demands of MSCA actions, BioTrainValue will form an international and inter-sectoral network of organizations via secondments to project partners (6 academic and 4 nonacademic partners from 7 European states). Participants will exchange skills and knowledge to strengthen collaborative research between different countries and sectors.

The Kick- off meeting of the project was hosted by Lodz University of Technology (project coordinator) on 19-20 January 2021. (Foto: Lodz University of Technology)


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