BioTheRos: Collaborative actions to bring novel BIOfuels THErmochemical ROutes into industrial Scale
Through the use of thermochemical conversion technologies, like gasification and pyrolysis, the BioTheRoS...
In order to ensure long-term sustainable biomass availability, the use of available biomass potentials...
The project "KLAR - Sewage Sludge Inorganic Recycling" aims to make sewage sludge usable as...
The Alps4GreenC project, funded by INTERREG Alpine Space, aims at setting-the-scene for transnational...
ÖVGW is committed to making a contribution to climate change and is converting the natural gas grid...
IEA Bioenergy Task 39: Biokraftstoffe zur Dekarbonisierung des Verkehrs (Arbeitsperiode 2022-2024) Das...
The main objective of the IEA AMF Task: Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) is to identify the main challenges...
A research project of the Technikum Wien GmbH, ENFOS e. U., AEE INTEC and BEST GmbH on behalf of the...
In order to facilitate the energy transition, the civil society should be involved and agree on measures...
BEST has been quite active in terms of equality and can also present some major achievements. The number...
The transition towards a bioeconomy will rely to a large extent on the advancement in technology of a...
BIOENERGY 2020+ publishes the bulletin Biobased Future, which is financed by the Austrian Ministry for...
By anaerobic digestion of organic residuals and wastes high amounts of digestate and sludge arise. The...
The overall objective of ENERGY BARGE is to foster sustainable usage of biomass for energy production...
The overall objective is the upgrading of forest residues, residues of the wood processing industry and...
Area Management
Christoph STRASSER