Publication | Peer reviewed papers | Potentiale, Bioenergiesysteme, Logistik
Evaluation of the Potential for Efficiency Increase by the Application of Model-Based Control Strategies in Large-Scale Solar Thermal Plants
Unterberger V, Lichtenegger K, Innerhofer P, Gerardts B, Gölles M
Published 2018
Citation: Unterberger V, Lichtenegger K, Innerhofer P, Gerardts B, Gölles M. Evaluation of the Potential for Efficiency Increase by the Application of Model-Based Control Strategies in Large-Scale Solar Thermal Plants. International Journal of Contemporary ENERGY. 2018; 4(1): 549-559.
This paper presents a systematic evaluation procedure to estimate the potential for performance improvement by applying model-based control strategies in large-scale thermal plants. The evaluation is performed separately for the low-level control which is in charge of the temperatures in the collector fields and for the high-level control which defines the general mode of operation of a plant. In order to evaluate the potential for the low-level control, simulation studies have been carried out, based on the assumption that the individual flows through the collector fields can be controlled separately. This can be achieved by an advanced model-based control which makes use of motor-driven control valves at the inlets of the collector fields. The potential of the high-level control has been evaluated by energy calculations based on measurement data from a typical large-scale solar thermal plant. The evaluation finally identified a potential for efficiency increase in the range of 8% for the low- level control and about 3% for the high-level control.