Publication | Conference presentations and posters

Gasification of residues and waste wood in a dual fluidized bed steam gasifier

Published 2010

Citation: Wilk V, Kitzler H, Hofbauer H. Gasification of residues and waste wood in a dual fluidized bed steam gasifier, ICPS 2010, 7th-9th of September 2010, Leipzig, Germany.


Because of the limited resources of fossil fuels the efficient use of renewable energy is gaining importance. Renewable energy from biomass reduces CO2 emissions, which is a necessity to protect the global climate. In the dual fluidised bed steam gasifier wood chips are converted to heat, power and other products very successfully. This work presents alternative feedstocks for this process: biomass wastes, such as waste wood, bark and reed. Waste wood and bark have been gasified successfully and first results of these experiments in the pilot plant are presented in this paper. It has been assessed that reed is also an interesting feedstock suitable for the use in fluidised bed gasifiers.


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