Publication | Conference presentations and posters

Assessing and Labelling the Eco-Efficiency of Small Scale Biomass Combustion Systems - BIOHEATLABEL

Published 2009

Citation: Haslinger W, Griesmayr S, Strasser C, Lingitz A, Jungmeier G. Assessing and Labelling the Eco-Efficiency of Small Scale Biomass Combustion Systems – BIOHEATLABEL, 17th European Biomass Conference 2009, 29th of June-3rd of July 2009, Hamburg, Germany. p 2335-2340.


The project BioHeatLABEL aims at the derivation of eco-design criteria for small scale biomass
combustion systems. It is a mirror project to the on-going European preparatory study for solid fuel small combustion installations. The presented paper gives an overview of the on-going work. It presents the applied methodologies so far. Sales and performance data as well as prices are collected for the existing stock as well as for new products. Six Base Cases are defined to best possibly represent market relevant product categories. These Base Cases are (1) log wood boilers with natural draught, (2) log wood boilers with forced draught, (3) wood chips boilers, (4) wood pellets boilers, (5) log wood stoves, and (6) wood pellets stoves. For these product categories the bills of production materials as well as for packaging are collected and information about the end-of-life behaviour is retrieved. Based on the above, preliminary life cycle assessment calculations are performed using the tool EuP EcoReport. The usability of this tool for a sound, reliable and representative life cycle assessment is discussed. Finally, an outlook on the further work is given.


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