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Model based control of the secondary air massflow of biomass furnaces [Modellbasierte Regelung des Sekundärluftmassenstromes bei Biomasse-Feuerungsanlagen]

Published 2014

Citation: Schörghuber C, Gölles M, Dourdoumas N, Obernberger I. Model based control of the secondary air massflow of biomass furnaces. At-Automatisierungstechnik. 2014;62(7):487-99.


To influence the combustion process of modern biomass furnaces specifically the combustion-controller determines the necessary mass flows. The gaseous mass flows can be adjusted by fans and flaps. To ensure the desired overall performance of the furnace the mass flows need to be set by inner control loops respectively. Within the work described in this paper a model based approach for the control design of the inner control loop is presented exemplarily for the secondary air supply. Thereby a flatness-based feedforward control will be designed by means of an appropriate model. © 2014 Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag GmbH.

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