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Smart Control of Coupled District Heating Networks

Kaisermayer V, Muschick D, Gölles M, Horn M

Published 28 June 2023

Citation: Kaisermayer V, Muschick D, Gölles M, Horn M. Smart Control for Couled District Heating Networks. BEST Center Day. 28 June 2023


District heating (DH) networks have the potential for intelligent integration and combination of renewable energy sources, waste heat, thermal energy storage, heat consumers, and coupling with
other sectors. For growing networks in close geographical proximity, often the possibility arises to couple them using bidirectional heat exchangers, possibly unlocking synergies and reducing costs for the consumers. Each DH network may consist of producers, consumers and thermal energy storage (TES) devices. Often, each of the coupled DH networks will be already controlled via low-level controllers. Hence, a high-level control approach is needed, that coordinates the heat exchange between the
networks and takes renewable energy sources and the TES capacities in each network into account. These supervisory controllers are generally referred to as energy management systems (EMS).

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