Publication | Other Publications | Bioraffinerien

Further development of gas-fermentation towards syngas utilization and electro-fermentation

Ludwig K, Hiebl C, Marzynski M, Deutsch M, Poms U, Schulze K, Neubauer M, Knoll L, Rachbauer L, Gölles M, Fuchs W, Drosg B

Published 28 June 2023

Citation: Ludwig K, Hiebl C, Marzynski M, Deutsch M, Poms U, Schulze K, Neubauer M, Knoll L, Rachbauer L, Gölles M, Fuchs W, Drosg B. Further development of gas-fermentation towards syngas utilization and electro-fermentation. BEST center day. 28 June 2023.


Gas-fermentation is the conversion of gaseous feedstocks (e.g. CO2-rich off gases, CO, H2) into
valuable products such as organic acids and alcohols by microorganisms such as clostridia.
By supplying electrical energy (an alternative source of reducing/oxidizing energy), the fermentation
environment can be further optimized, resulting in products with higher purity, a broader product
spectrum and higher cell densities.

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