Publication | Reports | Potentiale, Bioenergiesysteme, Logistik

Investigation of the formation of coherent ash residues during fluidized bed gasification of wheat straw lignin

Published August 2020

Citation: Priscak J, Fürsatz K, Kuba M, Skoglund N, Benedikt F, Hofbauer H. Investigation of the formation of coherent ash residues during fluidized bed gasification of wheat straw lignin. Energies. 2020;13(15):3935:


Thermal conversion of ash-rich fuels in fluidized bed systems is often associated with extensive operation problems caused by the high amount of reactive inorganics. This paper investigates the behavior of wheat straw lignin—a potential renewable fuel for dual fluidized bed gasification. The formation of coherent ash residues and its impact on the operation performance has been investigated and was supported by thermochemical equilibrium calculations in FactSage 7.3. The formation of those ash residues, and their subsequent accumulation on the surface of the fluidized bed, causes temperature and pressure fluctuations, which negatively influence the steady-state operation of the fluidized bed process. This paper presents a detailed characterization of the coherent ash residues, which consists mostly of silica and partially molten alkali silicates. Furthermore, the paper gives insights into the formation of these ash residues, dependent on the fuel pretreatment (pelletizing) of the wheat straw lignin, which increases their stability compared to the utilization of non-pelletized fuel.

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