Publication | Peer reviewed papers | Smart- and Microgrid

Robust design of microgrids using a hybrid minimum investment optimization

Published 15 Ocotober 2020

Citation: Pecenak ZK, Stadler M, Mathiesen P, Fahy K, Kleissl J. Robust design of microgrids using a hybrid minimum investment optimization. Applied Energy. 2020;276:115400.


Recently, researchers have begun to study hybrid approaches to Microgrid techno-economic planning, where a reduced model optimizes the DER selection and sizing is combined with a full model that optimizes operation and dispatch. Though providing significant computation time savings, these hybrid models are susceptible to infeasibilities, when the size of the DER is insufficient to meet the energy balance in the full model during macrogrid outages. In this work, a novel hybrid optimization framework is introduced, specifically designed for resilience to macrogrid outages. The framework solves the same optimization problem twice, where the second solution using full data is informed by the first solution using representative data to size and select DER. This framework includes a novel constraint on the state of charge for storage devices, which allows the representation of multiple repeated days of grid outage, despite a single 24-h profile being optimized in the representative model. Multiple approaches to the hybrid optimization are compared in terms of their computation time, optimality, and robustness against infeasibilities. Through a case study on three real Microgrid designs, we show that allowing optimizing the DER sizing in both stages of the hybrid design, dubbed minimum investment optimization (MIO), provides the greatest degree of optimality, guarantees robustness, and provides significant time savings over the benchmark optimization.

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