Publication | Peer reviewed papers | Modellierung und Simulation

Correction to: Investigation of solid oxide fuel cell operation with synthetic biomass gasification product gases as a basis for enhancing its performance

Pongratz G, Subotić V, Schroettner H, Stoeckl B, Hochenauer C, Anca-Couce A, Scharler R

Published 03 June 2020

Citation: Pongratz G, Subotić V, Schroettner H, Stoeckl B, Hochenauer C, Anca-Couce A, Scharler R. Correction to: Investigation of solid oxide fuel cell operation with synthetic biomass gasification product gases as a basis for enhancing its performance. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. 2020


The authors want to acknowledge, that during the production of the final version of the publication the image for Figure 9 has been replaced with the image for Figure 12, however without changing the content of the paper. This issue is resolved in the current version of the publication.

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