Conference Presentation | Conference presentations and posters | Smart- and Microgrid
Microgrid Lab 100% Testbed for the development of control algorithms for microgrids
Published 2020
Citation: Aigenbauer S, Microgrid Lab 100% Testbed for the development of control algorithms for microgrids. 6th Central European Biomass Conference, 22-24 January 2020, Graz.
Microgrids are local energy grids that (partly) cover their own energy demand. Decentralized renewable energy sources reduce energy costs and CO2 emissions in a microgrid. Various storage systems and strategies like load shift are employed to balance the volatile energy flows. Intelligent controllers improve the energy management of the micro and smart grids. BEST GmbH is the industry leader when it comes to biomass control systems in Austria. Thus, BEST GmbH is already combining this knowledge within the “OptEnGrid” (FFG 858815) and “Grundlagenforschung Smart- und Microgrid“ (K3-F-755/001-2017) research projects, which are based on the leading microgrid optimization tool DER-CAM from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory at the University of California. These two BEST GmbH basic research projects form the basis for new innovative microgrid controller concepts which will be implemented and tested in the presented Microgrid Research Lab in Wieselburg (project Microgrid Lab 100%). The Microgrid Research Lab will include the Technology- und Reseach Centre (tfz) Wieselburg-Land and the new firefighting department next to the tfz.