Publication | Other papers | Potentiale, Bioenergiesysteme, Logistik

Increased economic efficiency of dual fluidized bed plants via model-based control

Nigitz T, Gölles M, Aichernig C, Schneider S, Hofbauer H, Horn M.

Published 2019

Citation: Nigitz T, Gölles M, Aichernig C, Schneider S, Hofbauer H, Horn M. Increased economic efficiency of dual fluidized bed plants via model-based control. In 27th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition. 2019. p. 533 - 538


Sustainable technologies can hardly compete with fossil-based technologies in terms of economic efficiency. One sustainable technology with special relevance due to its wide range of application and industrial readiness is biomass gasification using a dual fluidized bed (DFB). The economic challenges of a DFB gasification plant are addressed without constructional measures by adapting a current control strategy. This paper proposes a model-based control strategy aiming for increased economic efficiency of a DFB gasification plant considering exemplarily the “HGA Senden” in Ulm, Germany. A process analysis reveals high potential for improvement at the current control strategy for the synchronization of product gas production and utilization. A significant surplus of product gas is burned in an auxiliary boiler just for synchronization, and regular manual adjustments by the plant operators at the fuel feed are necessary. The model-based control strategy synchronizes by actuating the auxiliary boiler and the fuel feed simultaneously. The model-based control strategy is experimentally validated for over one month at the “HGA Senden” proofing a significant increase in economic efficiency. So, the economic efficiency of this technology for the sustainable production of energy and products is increased by model-based control.

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