Publication | Other papers | Thermische Vergasung und Gasreinigung

Evaluation of the Operational Behaviour of Fixed-bed Biomass Gasifiers - A Novel Approach for Steady-state Analysis

Published 2019

Citation: Hollenstein C, Zemann C, Antolini D, Patuzzi F, Martini S, Baratieri M, Gölles M. Evaluation of the Operational Behaviour of Fixed-bed Biomass Gasifiers - A Novel Approach for Steady-state Analysis. Proceedings of the 27th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Vols. 27-30 May 2019, pp. 849-860, 2019.


Assessing the operational behaviour of biomass gasification systems is a crucial basis for further improvements in terms of operational behaviour and robustness in order to increase the technologies’ operational and economic viability. However, in most fixed-bed biomass gasification systems not all parameters required for the assessment can be measured directly. Typically, unknown parameters are determined by using as many balance equations as parameters have to be determined neglecting the additional information provided by other available but not chosen balance equations. Thus, these approaches do not incorporate all measurement data available resulting in a lack of reliability in their results. A detailed analysis of these approaches emphasises that even small deviations in the measurement data can lead to significant deviations in the calculated parameters, demonstrating that individual choices of equations can be highly sensitive regarding measurement uncertainties.

Therefore, an adjusted weighted least squares approach is developed utilizing an overdetermined system of equations incorporating all balance equations simultaneously. Thus, all measurement data available is taken into account, minimizing the influences of measurement uncertainties on the determined parameters. A comprehensive analysis shows that this approach is less sensitive to measurement uncertainties, allowing for a more reliable and accurate assessment of fixed-bed biomass gasifiers.

Keywords: fixed-bed, gasification, mass balance, performance assessment

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