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Advanced Control ot the Generated Steam in a Municipal Waste Incineration Plant

Niederwieser H, Jäger F, Kirnbauer F, Gölles M

Published 28 June 2023

Citation: Niederwieser H, Jäger F, Kirnbauer F, Gölles M. Advanced Control ot the Generated Steam in a Municipal Waste Incineration Plant. BEST Center Day. 28 June 2023


In modern waste management, the energetic utilization of waste is an important key technology. On the one hand, it allows the waste to be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner and, on the other hand, makes it possible to reduce the use of other controversial energy sources, such as nuclear fission or fossil fuels. However, the efficient and clean incineration of waste is a challenging task due to the strong inhomogeneity of the waste.

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